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Aus GuildWiki
Version vom 16:05, 17. Okt. 2006 von Flece (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Salvaging is a process used in order to garner common crafting materials, rare crafting materials, runes and weapon upgrades from Salvage Items, weapons and armor.

All items except for most quest items, weapon upgrades, runes and all unique items can be salvaged for crafting materials. Highly salvageable items, once identified, provide substantially more materials than other items.

When salvaging a rune/upgrade players should be aware that they must use an Expert or Superior Kit as listed below. Also, for weapon upgrades, a player cannot control which upgrade on the weapon will be salvaged and there is a chance that the weapon will salvage into crafting materials. Likewise, there is a chance of destroying a rune when attempting to salvage it from your own armor.

Salvaging can be carried out using the following 'kits':

(Basic) Salvage Kit



The Salvage Kit is often referred to as the Basic Salvage Kit. This kit will only salvage common crafting materials from items. If an item contains a rune or weapon upgrade then a basic salvage kit will not retrieve it nor does it salvage rare crafting material from any salvagable item.

Expert Salvage Kit

The Expert Salvage Kit will salvage common crafting materials or a chance at rare crafting materials along with a chance at salvaging a weapon upgrade from a weapon or a rune applied to a players armor. A rune on a dropped salvage item will always provide the rune when salvaged.

Superior Salvage Kit

The Superior Salvage Kit functions the same as the Expert Salvage Kit, but has more uses. The only real benefit is to save on inventory space, and trips to merchants.