Finsterer Kettenblitz

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Der Gegner erleidet 200 Punkte Blitzschaden und wird zu Boden geworfen. Finsterer Kettenblitz trifft anschließend den jeweils nächsten Feind, wirft jeden von ihnen zu Boden und fügt mit jedem Treffer 10% weniger Schaden zu.




  • Dark Chain Lightning ist eine Monster-Fertigkeit, die vom Drachen Kuunavang benutzt wird.
  • Kuunavang is partially immune to interrupts, it'll quite regularly take more than one.
  • Despite what the name suggests, this skill is not a spell. Thus counters specific to spells will not be able to counter this skill.
  • Dark Chain Lightning is supposedly lightning damage, but skills like Mantra of Lightning do not protect you from Dark Chain Lightning.
  • Despite the description on the skill, the first blast from Dark Chain Lightning deals 300 damage, and all following strikes deal 10% less based on 300 damage, not 200.
  • A good defense against this skill is to take Shelter as it will negate a very good majority of the damage of the skill and save healers in the group some time and energy.
    • In this same way, Protective Spirit is very useful against this attack since it reduces the damage to 10% of your maximum health.
  • Clumsiness is perfect to interrupt this Angriff, while the hex timing is important. However, it may not fully interrupt the attack, as Kuunavang is partially immune to them. Signet of Clumsiness can be used in combination to almost ensure it is interrupted, however.
  • Blindness can be used to stop the attack from working at all. Kuunavang does not suffer from blindness for long due to natural resistance though, so quick-recharging sources such as Blinding Flash and Surge are best for this purpose.