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Version vom 17:02, 5. Jan. 2007 von (Diskussion)
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By holding the ashes (i.e. the urn) of a dead person a Ritualist may receive a boon of some kind, e.g. healing, protection, damage to foes, or others. The effect will happen either while you carry the urn and/or when you drop it.

Side Effects

Note that while you "hold the ashes" you are actually physically holding the urn with your hands, instead of your weapons. This means:

  • The urn will be visible in your hands and you will see a "Drop Item" button on your screen.
  • You cannot perform combat attacks.
  • You will not gain any weapon effects such as armor, energy, or damage reduction. Therefore, the energy loss actually caused by the spell can be greater than just its cost. (Note: This can be used to end hexes like Malaise or Wither.)
  • You will however still take effect from weapon spells on you.

However, unlike holding most other bundles, holding ashes does not slow down your movement speed.

As soon as you drop the urn (by hitting the "drop" button or by changing to a Weapon Set), you re-equip your weapons and gain back all bonuses.


The general nature of an urn's effects can be determined from its appearance. Red, rectangular urns have offensive effects. Orange, mushroom-shaped urns have defensive or supportive effects. Silver, ovoid urns are only created by Lively Was Naomei, and resurrect their creator and nearby party members when they are dropped.

Datei:UrnRed.jpg Datei:UrnOrange.jpg Datei:UrnSilver.jpg

Related Skills

List of Item Spells (by Attribute)

For an alphabetic list of Item Spells, see also: Category:Item Spells