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Wie erlangt man diese Fertigkeit?



Hinweise zur Benutzung

  • If ended or removed prematurely, the damage does not occur.
  • If used with Rückschlag, a target must generally use a non-spell skill to avoid damage from both effects.
  • Verschwendung is a good "pressure" skill against human opponents. When they see this skill on them, many opponents will panic and use a skill they might not ordinarily use, opening themselves up to be interrupted or fall prey to a pre-cast skill, such as Ablenkung, Rückschlag, Boshafter Geist, and so on.
  • Another use of this skill is as a very quick and effective damage dealer after the enemy is no longer able to use skills, either through heavy disruption (such as Ablenkung, Arkaner Diebstahl, Siegel der Bescheidenheit, and so on) or through energy denial (Heavy use of Energiebrand, Energiewelle, Siegel der Müdigkeit, Herr über den Äther, Chaos Sturm, Energie abzapfen, Energieentzug, Geistfesseln, Kraftleck, Verwelken, Unwohlsein, and other similar spells can reduce even Elementarmagier to an unusably small amount of energy, thus rendering them unable to use any skills at all). Once the enemy is unable to use skills, Verschwendung is a very efficient and quick method of doing a relatively large amount of damage in a small period of time; over 60 damage every three seconds with a high Domination attribute.
  • Verschwendung can be devastatingly effective in PvE when used against bosses. Because Verhexungen have a reduced durations on bosses, Verschwendung "goes away" sooner, and thus does its damage sooner, when cast on a boss (the exact duration varies with bosses, but is generally 1 to 1.5 seconds). With a little practice, it becomes very easy to time Verschwendung such that it will trigger before the boss has a chance to do anything, and as a result can become a very quick and very cost-effective means of dealing damage. Also relevant in PvP against the Guild Lord or Krieger wearing a Lieutenant's Helm.
  • The combination of a low energy cost, recharge, and activation time serve to make this an excellent cover hex.
  • If you're up against an oppenent who constantly uses skills, cast this spell and quickly use Täuschungen brechen. This combo does more damage than Verschwendung alone, is near-instant, but costs 10 energy. Afterwords, Verschwendung can simply be re-applied.