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Vorlage:Skill-stubVorlage:Übersetzungs-stub Vorlage:Fertigkeitsbox


Todesmagie 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Stufe 0 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 N/A N/A

Wie erlangt man diese Fertigkeit?

Fertigkeiten Quests:


Siegel der Erbeutung:

Hinweise zur Benutzung

  • The animated bone minions will slowly lose health. They may be healed but the longer they are alive the faster they will lose health. As of April 26th, you are now limited to a total of 2 undead minions, plus 1 per 2 levels of Death Magic (10 at Death Magic level 16.)
  • Even with Death Magic maximized, these minions are quite fragile, especially near end game. One common strategy that takes advantage of this is to cast Death Nova on the minions and trigger the "walking bombs" with Taste of Death.
  • 6 or more points in Soul Reaping results in an overall gain in energy while using minions (+6 from the original death, -15 cost, +6*2 on minions deaths, net +3 energy), and each additional point results in 3 more energy gained.
    • This also tends to mean any fellow necromancers in your party will never be low on energy, as you essentially triple the number of deaths from foes with corpses.
  • Animate Bone Minions will trigger the bonus from Boon of Creation twice, once for each minion.

Verwandte Fertigkeiten