Entgegnende Schatten

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20 Sekunden lang unternimmt Shiro Schattenschritte zum nächsten Gegner, der Euch angreift, und versucht einen Gegenangriff. Wenn Euer Angriff erfolgreich ist, endet Entgegnende Schatten.



  • Blindheit ist generell sehr effektiv gegen Shiro, und sie ist die effektivste Möglichkeit seine Skills auszuheblen.
  • Shiro will usually continue to use this stance at a remarkable speed (usually several times per second) until it fails to strike. It's important for casters to stop using their wands and staves against him and let the front-liners use a block skill, like shadow-less Riposte.
  • On the other hand, if he has Spiteful Spirit on him, he will activate it twice every times he uses the skill: once when he activates it, and once when he attacks. Spoil Victor only triggers once, but still does more damage. This can make it a very effective method of damaging him quickly.