Yijo Tahn

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Version vom 19:56, 22. Mai 2007 von Mogul (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Yijo Tahn
Yijo Tahn.jpg
Spezies Mensch Ritualist-icon-blass.png
Klasse Ritualist
Stufe 3...15
Kampagne Unbekannt



Yijo Tahn is a student at Shing Jea Monastery. Among the new intake, he was one of the most advanced students, being level 3 already when he joined. He was also mentioned as one of the most promising by Master Togo and Yazoying.

Later he becomes an assistant of his teacher, Master Togo, and follows his master on several quests and missions. Eventually, Master Togo sends him to Zen Daijun, to investigate the strange happenings there. Unfortunately, during the Zen Daijun mission players find out that Yijo has been overwhelmed by the plague and turned into an Afflicted. Defeating him as Afflicted Yijo, a ritualist boss, is one of the objectives of the mission.

Quests Involved In


Skills Used


In Linnok Courtyard:

"I sense a kindred spirit in you. Allow me to introduce myself: I am Yijo Tahn. And you are (character name), are you not? I am pleased to make your acquaintance. May the fortunes smile upon you."