Explosion der Verwesung

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Version vom 09:49, 17. Mai 2006 von (Diskussion)
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Vorlage:Skill-stubVorlage:Übersetzungs-stub Vorlage:Fertigkeitsbox


Todesmagie 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Schaden 24 30 37 43 50 56 62 69 75 82 88 94 101 107 114 120 126 ? N/A N/A ?

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Explosion der Verwesung deals a large amount of damage to an area and can be recast quite quickly. This makes it particularly devistating in PvE, where enemy spellcasters tend to group together and not move. This Skill can be effective in turning the tide of battle when combined with Todesnova on a dying ally.

Even without any points in Death Magic, Explosion der Verwesung can be brought along to counter enemy Necromancers, as it is among the fastest-casting corpse exploitation spells available (Nekrotische Verwechslun casts faster but has the often inconvenient effect teleporting the caster to the middle of the action) and can be cast after each death to rob enemy Necromancers of a corpse from which to raise minions or otherwise exploit.