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Version vom 22:29, 12. Okt. 2007 von Redeemer (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Update - 12. Oktober 2007

stark gekürzte GuildWiki-Übersetzung

Schwerer Modus in Eye of the North

Der Schwere Modus wurde in Eye of the North eingeführt.

Zugriff auf den Schweren Modus in Eye of the North

  • Ein Charakter muss die Primärquest Eine Zeit für Helden gemacht haben, damit alle anderen 20er-Charaktere Zugriff darauf haben.

Belohnungen im Schweren Modus in Eye of the North

  • Wiederholbare Primärquests geben 50% mehr Punkte.
  • Prämie sind 50% höher.
  • Verlies-Endtruhen geben doppelt so viele Gegenstände.

Helden-Handbuch und Verlies-Kompendium

  • Wenn man eine Tat vollbracht hat, die in eines der Bücher gehören würde, aber die Bücher nicht dabei gehabt hat, kann man die Seite für 100 Gold nachkaufen.
  • Helden-Handbuch und Verlies-Kompendium werden jetzt auch ab halber Füllung angenommen.
Belohnung für das Verlies-Kompendium
Seiten Ruf (Normal) Ruf (Schwer) XP (Normal) XP (Schwer) Gold (Normal) Gold (Schwer)
9 11,000 16,500 22,000 33,000 2,200 3,300
10 12,000 18,000 24,000 36,000 2,400 3,600
11 13,000 19,500 26,000 39,000 2,600 3,900
12 14,000 21,000 28,000 42,000 2,800 4,200
13 16,000 24,000 32,000 48,000 3,200 4,800
14 18,000 27,000 36,000 54,000 3,600 5,400
15 21,000 31,500 42,000 63,000 4,200 6,300
16 25,000 37,500 50,000 75,000 5,000 7,500
17 30,000 45,000 60,000 90,000 6,000 9,000
18 40,000 60,000 80,000 120,000 8,000 12,000
Belohnung für das Helden-Handbuch
Seiten Ruf (Normal) Ruf (Schwer) EP (Normal) EP (Schwer) Gold (Normal) Gold (Schwer)
8 2,000 3,000 4,000 6,000 400 600
9 3,000 4,500 6,000 9,000 600 900
10 4,000 6,000 8,000 12,000 800 1,200
11 6,000 9,000 12,000 18,000 1,200 1,800
12 8,000 12,000 16,000 24,000 1,600 2,400
13 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 2,000 3,000
14 12,000 18,000 24,000 36,000 2,400 3,600
15 15,000 22,500 30,000 45,000 3,000 4,500
16 20,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 4,000 6,000

Hall of Monuments

  • Miniaturen müssen nicht mehr angepasst werden.
  • Miniaturen sind jetzt nicht mehr "angepasst" sondern "zugewiesen" (genauer Wortlaut?).
  • Minituren, bei denen das noch nicht so ist, können beim entsprechenden Monument umgeändert werden.
  • Zugewiesene Miniaturen können zwar nicht von weiteren Charakteren desselben Accounts in ihrer Halle ausgestellt, aber benutzt werden.
  • Zugewiesene Miniaturen geben genau wie angepasste eine Warnung beim Handeln aus.

Report Command

After reviewing the usage of the report command during last weekend’s test, we have decided to enable the command officially. The text describing the spamming and verbal abuse report commands have been updated to more clearly explain how they work. Players are never banned merely because of the volume of reports issued against them. Reports alert the GM team to review the actual chat logs of the reported player. The GM team then uses the same disciplinary policies that have always been applied to emailed reports of spamming and verbal abuse.

  • To use the report command, type "/report."
  • Targeting a player and typing /report or /report followed by a player's name opens a new Report Dialog panel. From this panel, you can report a chosen player for leeching, botting, spamming, using abusive language, or having an inappropriate character name. Reports will then be relayed to and reviewed by the Guild Wars Support team.
  • You can report a player for leeching if you are in the same Random Arena, Alliance Battle, or Competitive Mission as that player. If at least half your team reports the same player for leeching, that player will be stripped of XP and faction rewards for the battle. Note that you can only report members of your own party or team for leeching.
  • Reports of botting, spamming, abusive language, and inappropriate character names will be relayed to and reviewed by the Guild Wars Support team. Note that reporting a single player multiple times for the same offense will not expedite or influence support team attention.
  • A single account cannot use the /report command more than 50 times in a 24-hour period.

We will continue to monitor this feature and make further adjustments as necessary.

Underworld and Fissure of Woe Updates

  • When entering into these regions, players will now receive a Mission Objective list in their Quest Log. This list informs players how many quests they must complete to finish the regions for the purposes of full completion and credit for the Hall of Monuments.
  • Quests yet to be obtained are marked as "?????" in the Mission Objective list until they are discovered by at least one party member.
  • Chests now spawn upon completion of all quests in either of these regions.

Skill Updates

We will be evaluating the following changes over the course of the next week. Additional adjustments may be made during that time period.


  • Decreased the Health of all Spirits by 50; allowed Burning to affect Spirits.










Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the Fissure of Woe quest "Hunt" that prevented players from completing it in some multiplayer situations.
  • Fixed bugs in the Underworld quests "Demon Assassin" and "Terrorweb Queen" that prevented players from completing them in some multiplayer situations.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Edielh Shockhunter from displaying correctly and having skills.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Kurzick Base Defender in the Alliance Battles map "Ancestral Lands" to have the wrong model.
  • Fixed multiple small text bugs in skill descriptions.
  • Fixed a line-of-sight exploit in the Heroes' Ascent map "Fetid River".
  • Fixed a bug that allowed miniatures to be killed by traps.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to receive Asura reputation points instead of Dwarven reputation points for completing the Heart of the Shiverpeaks dungeon.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented resurrection shrines in Oola's Lab from appearing on the Mission Map.
  • Fixed graphic artifacts on the loading screen and in the Skill warm-up bar that appeared in interface sizes other than the normal setting.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented chat messages containing Party Search keywords from appearing in the "All" or "Trade" channels while in guild halls.
  • Fixed the Party Search purpose droplist so that it no longer resets to "Mission" every time the "Seek Party" checkbox is reselected.


  • Improved rewards from Eye of the North chests revealed by the Light of Deldrimor skill in both Hard and Normal Mode.
  • The Master of the North title track now counts toward Favor of the Gods.
  • As with explorable areas, parties now automatically fail in dungeons if they reach a party-wide 60% DP while in Hard Mode.
  • Players now receive the skill Brawling Combo Punch when entering into Fronis Irontoe's Lair in Hard Mode.
  • The guaranteed drop from the final chest in Frostmaw's Burrow has been changed from a diamond to a lockpick. Lockpicks have a consistent high gold value, while the diamond currently has a low value due, in part, to the ease of acquiring them from this chest.
  • Reduced the size of activation on the Resurrection Shrine in the Fortress of Jahai.
  • Moved the first Resurrection Shrine in Vulture Drifts to the side of the portal into Dunes of Despair.
  • Gold rewards for vanquishing foes in Hard Mode have been increased to five times the number of creatures killed.
  • Changed several Eye of the North quests so that upon completion, the Quest Log selects and highlights the related summary quest.
