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Solange Ihr diese Verzauberung aufrechterhaltet, wirft dieser Zauber jedes Mal, wenn der Verbündete (bzw. Ihr selbst) Angriffsschaden erleidet, 33% des Schadens auf die Quelle zurück (maximal 5...17 Schadenspunkte).





Siegel der Erbeutung


  • This spell does not reduce any of the damage inflicted upon the target. It simply deals a third of it back onto the enemy that caused it.
  • This spell works only on attacks. This means it does not work on spells and signets. This makes it a good choice when facing warriors, rangers and assassins and a poor choice when facing elementalists, necromancers, mesmers, ritualists and monks.
  • Note that although this skill states 33% retributed damage, it infact (as of 12th October, 2006, build GW:19,304) returns only 30% (rounded up). eg; suffering 63 damage should retribute 21 damage, but due to an error it will return ceil(61*0.3), ie only 19 damage.
  • The damage returned is treated by the game as though it came from the character/monster that dealt the original damage, and not the character/monster enchanted by Retribution. This is why two combatants, when both enchanted with Retribution, do no continuously trade damage back and forth. It is also important when this skill is used to deal damage while evolving a dire pet; since the damage is not treated as though it comes from your character, it doesn't enter into the equation that leads your pet to become hearty.
  • The damage dealt by retribution is holy damage although it is not stated as such, since it deals the correct amount of extra damage to necromancers wearing the 70AL armor or with the 70AL insignia.

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