Die Auriosminen

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Version vom 11:10, 26. Apr. 2007 von Moin (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Die Auriosminen
Die Auriosminen.jpg
Typ Außenposten
Kampagne Factions
Region Jademeer
Gruppengröße Unbekannt
Rheas Krater,
Die Auriosminen (Mission)


Relics of a mysterious race, possibly an offshoot of the Deldrimor dwarves, have been uncovered in this productive jade mine. Though not as large or strategically vital as the enormous Jade Quarry, the Aurios Mines are of great importance to historians and scholars.


You can travel here from either Leviathangruben oder Seemannsruh. From the Leviathan Pits, journey into Gyala-Brutstätte (Erforschbar) and then into Rheas Krater along the north and then eastern wall. From Seemannsruh, travel north and east along the southeast wall.




Die Auriosminen/Quests