Schwester Tai

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Schwester Tai
Schwester Tai.jpg
Spezies Mensch Mönch-icon-blass.png
Klasse Mönch
Stufe 10, 20
Kampagne Unbekannt

Schwester Tai, NPC

Schwester Tai ist eine sehr hingegebene und fromme Heilerin. Sie dient auch als Mönchstrainerin im Kloster von Shing Jea.


Ist Teil folgender Quests


Schwester Tai, Heiler-Gefolgsfrau

Klasse: Mönch, spezialisiert auf Heilgebete
Waffe: Stab
Rüstung: Mönch-Cantha-Rüstung

Schwester Tai ist eine canthanische Gefolgsfrau, die ab Zen Daijun und später im Gebiet des Jademeers bereitsteht.



Auf der Shing-Jea-Insel:

  • Zauber (Prophecies). Berührt den Körper eines gefallenen Gruppenmitglieds. Dieses wird mit 20...56...65% seines Lebens und 42...80...90% seiner Energie wiederbelebt.
    Attribut: Heilgebete (Mönch)
    Leben erneuern.jpg
     Leben erneuern
    (anstelle von Gesang der Wiederbelebung)

Während Die Bedrohung wächst


Idle quotes on Shing Jea Island:

  • "I admit that there are some moments when I give in to despair, when I doubt the inherent goodness in all beings. At times like these, I open my heart to Dwayna and I realize that goodness lies within us all."
  • "Shing Jea Island is truly a wonderful place, but sometimes I miss the city. The bustling marketplace, the smell of sticky buns cooking in the morning, it's really the little things in life that make it worth living."
  • "We should all be thankful that Master Togo has created this wonderful place where such a diverse group of people from all backgrounds can learn together in an atmosphere of peace and harmony."

Idle quotes in Kaineng City:

  • "Dwayna guide and protect us against those we confront and give us the power to forgive them for their misdeeds."
  • "Dwayna's loving embrace is with us at all times."
  • "The light of Dwayna will guide our path, always."

Idle quotes in the Jade Sea:

  • "It is always a pleasure to see students reach their full potential."
  • "Seeing how much damage the plague has done to these lands and the Luxon people is truly saddening. I can only hope that someday it may be healed."
  • "The sea is quite beautiful. I can only imagine what is was like before it was turned into jade."

Battle quotes:

  • "Be careful out there."
  • "Can't we all just get along?"
  • "Don't worry if you die, I'll have you back in no time!"
  • "Dwayna guide me."
  • "Fear not, Dwayna shall protect us."
  • "Here, let me heal that for you."
  • "I am the soul of forgiveness."
  • "I forgive you."
  • "Stay safe."
  • "Take care of yourselves."
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